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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Type of breast cancer

The Types of Breast Cancer You Need to Know
Breast cancer is a disease that affects over 200,000 women in the United States alone this year. It is estimated that 1 in every 8 women will develop breast cancer.

There are several different types of breast cancer. Some types are more common than others.

Commonly diagnosed types of breast cancer are:

DCIS Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

DCIS is the most commonly diagnosed non-invasive breast cancer. The cancer is confined to the ducts of the breast, thus being referred as non-invasive. Rarely does it spread outside the ducts. If it stays within the ducts, the five year survival rate is almost 100%. There are different forms of DCIS.

LCIS Lobular Carcinoma In Situ

LCIS is not usually classified as cancer.
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It is a condition indicating a sudden increase of cells in the lobules. This can indicate a higher chance of developing breast cancer. The good news is a great majority of LCIS cases never develop into cancer. Patients are monitored closely and may be given hormone therapy to prevent cancer.

IDC Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma or Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

This type of breast cancer accounts for 80 to 85% of all breast cancer diagnoses. IDC is indicative that the cancer has broken through the ducts and has invaded neighboring fatty tissues.

IFC Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma or Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

This is a very difficult form of breast cancer. It initially develops in the lobules (milk ducts) but spreads to other parts of the body. ILC is responsible for 10-15% of breast cancer cases.

There are other types of breast cancer which are less commonly diagnosed, such as:

Mucinous Carcinoma

Also called colloid carcinoma, this type of breast cancer is formed from mucus producing cancer cells. Although rare, it carries a better prognosis than many invasive breast cancer types.

Medullary Carcinoma:This type of breast cancer account for about 5% of breast cancer cases. It is invasive and forms a distinct boundary between healthy and tumor tissue. It is often hard to tell the difference between this type and invasive ductal carcinoma.

Tubular Carcinoma

Named after the shape of the cell under a microscope, tubular carcinoma is a type of invasive breast cancer. It has a better prognosis than most common invasive breast cancers.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

This type of breast cancer is usually detected at advanced stages. it causes the skin to have an orange peel appearance and it may become reddened. it may be mistaken for mastitis. Inflammatory breast cancer accounts for 1-4% of breast cancer cases.

Pagets Disease of the Nipple

This type of breast cancer is extremely rare. It affects the nipple and the areola of the breast. It can be mistake for eczema because of the scaling and itchiness it produces.

Phylloides Tumor

These tumors develop in the connective tissue of the breast, making it a sarcoma, not a carcinoma. The tumor can grow to be very large, and it removed by surgery. It does not respond to treatments used for other types of breast cancer.


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