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Monday, November 13, 2006

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer Basics :
Do you know the basics of cervical cancer? From the causes, symptoms, and treatment to HPV, learn more about cervical cancer and why every woman need to be aware.

Learning more about the cervix :
Women often talk about the cervix when discussing Pap smears and pregnancy, however, many women do not know what the cervix and what it does! What is the Cervix?The cervix is a conical shaped passageway that connects the uterus to the vagina. Two types of cells cover the cervix, columnar and squamous. The cervix is about 1 inch long. What is the Function of the Cervix?The cervix allows the passage of of a baby from the uterus to the vagina during childbirth. The cervical opening widens, called dilation.

What is a cervical biopsy?:
A cervical biopsy is a procedure done to remove cervical tissue for examination. It is also called a punch biopsy.
During the procedure: A cervical biopsy is normally performed during a colposcopy. A colposcopy is a procedure that allows the doctor a more in-depth examination of the cervix. After the doctor has identified any abnormal areas of the cervix, small amounts of tissue are taken with biopsy forceps or needle.Another type of biopsy called an endocervical curettage (ECC) may be performed. An ECC removes tissue from the endocervical canal, the narrow passageway connecting the cervix to the uterus.
Is a cervical biopsy painful?: Most women experience little or no discomfort during a cervical biopsy. Many doctors will ask a woman to cough just as the sample is being taken to alleviate any immediate discomfort. Cramping may be experienced after the procedure.


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